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简要描述:205双光束臭氧分析仪同时测量Io (臭氧被净化的空气) 和I (臭氧没有净化的空气) 电流值。使得臭氧测量的时间间隔达到2秒,成为市场上基于紫外法的Z快的臭氧分析仪,测量环境中的臭氧浓度可达100ppm,同时保留了体积小、重量轻和功耗低的特点。快速测量对于飞行器和气球测量(臭氧)的场合是特别想要的,在那里,高空解决方法很重要。做为选择,用户可以选择内部多个点的平均值以得到很好的精度。

  • 更新时间:2025-01-14
  • 厂商性质:经销商
  • 访  问  量:2454



下一步的以UV为基础的臭氧检测仪的已经小型化。此款POM臭氧检测仪尺寸为4英寸×3英寸×1.5英寸,重0.75磅(340克)。由于本机有内置的GPS装置,因此臭氧检测值以及其地理位置数据能同时得到持续不断地存储。通过把它的光程折叠成“U”型,POM能有和Models 202,205,以及106-L一样长的光程,那么它有如同这几款臭氧检测仪一样的度(~2ppb)。

检测原理 254nm紫外吸收
检测范围 2.0ppb-10ppm
分辨率 0.1ppb
检测下限 4.0ppb
检测间隔 10秒 (数据选项: 10 秒, 1 分钟, 5 分钟,1小时)
流量 ~0.8升/分钟
流量要求 大于0.5升/分钟
基线漂移 <2ppb/天 <5ppb/年
灵敏度漂移 <1%/天 <3%/年
测量时间和频率 10s,0.1Hz
反应时间 20秒
的步长 2个点
平均次数 10秒,1分钟,5分钟,1小时
数据保存 8219行(10 秒平均每天;1 分钟 平均每星期; 5 分钟平均每月; 1小时平均每年)
臭氧单位 ppb,ppm,pphm,ug m-3,mg m-3
压力单位 Mbar,torr
温度单位 ℃,K
工作温度 0-50℃
电源要求 110/220V 交流电或电源组支持 7-24V直流电,一般250mA(12V),3.0watt
外部电池 7.4 V, 1.6 A/小时, 锂聚合物电池, 5-8 小时
尺寸 4.0 x 3.0 x 1.5 英尺 (10.2 x 7.6 x 3.8 cm)
重量 0.75 磅 (0.34 千克)
数据传输波特率 19200 

2B Tech has taken the next step in miniaturization of UV-based ozone monitors by developing the Personal Ozone Monitor or "POM". The POM has dimensions of 4 x 3 x 1.5 inches and weighs only 0.75 lb (340 g). It has a built in GPS so that ozone measurements may be logged continuously along with geographic location. By folding the optical path in the shape of a "U", it was possible to achieve the same path length in the POM as in the Models 202, 205 and 106-L and thus have similar precision and accuracy (~2 ppb).

  • Personal exposure monitoring for studies of health effects of air pollutants
  • Health and safety monitoring at industrial sites using ozone
  • Vertical profiling using balloons, kites, RPVs and light aircraft where space and weight are highly limited
  • Long-term monitoring at remote locations where power is highly limited
  • Urban arrays of ground-based detectors


Measurement PrincipleUV Absorption at 254 nm
Linear Dynamic Range2.0 ppb to 10 ppm
Resolution0.1 ppb
Precision (1σ; rms noise)Greater of 2.0 ppb or 2% of reading
AccuracyGreater of 2.0 ppb or 2% of reading
Limit of Detection (2σ)4.0 ppb
NIST-Traceable CalibrationYes
Measurement Interval10 s (Data averaging options: 10 s, 1 min, 5 min, 1 hr)
Flow Rate (nominal)~0.8 Liter/min
Flow Rate Requirement>0.5 L/min
Baseline Drift

<2 ppb/day
<5 ppb/year

Sensitivity Drift


Measurement Time, Frequency10 s, 0.1 Hz
Response Time, 100% of Step Change20 s, 2 points
Averaging Times10 s, 1 min, 5 min, 1 hr
Data Storage8,192 lines (10 s avg ~1 day; 1 min avg ~1 wk; 5 min ~1 mo; 1 hr avg ~1 yr)
Ozone Unitsppb, ppm, pphm, µg m-3, mg m-3
Pressure Unitsmbar, torr
Temperature Units°C, K
T and P CorrectedYes
Operating Temperature Range0 to 50 °C
Power Requirement;
Supplied by battery or 110/220 VAC Power Pack
7-24 V dc, nominally 250 mA at 12 V, 3.0 watt
External Battery7.4 Volt, 1.6 amp hour, Lithium Polymer Battery, 5-8 hr
Size4.0 x 3.0 x 1.5 inches (10.2 x 7.6 x 3.8 cm)
Weight0.75 lb (0.34 kg)
Data Transfer Baud Rate19200



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